Title - Spirit, 2020
Medium - Bronze, with stone, bronze, or stainless steel base
About the artwork
Body, Soul, and Spirit is a three-piece bronze sculpture series depicting biomorphic figures lying down, standing on one leg, or one hand on the red stone base. The metamorphic series tells an archetypal and timeless story of self-actualization: "Mastering something inside you in a gentle, joyous way of the soul. It's not brutal, strict, or physical mastery." In essence, the transformation of matter, the mastery over matters of life, and the attainment of an indestructible self and inner youth. These are suggested in the dance-like figures of Soul and Spirit; by contrast, the Body is wrapped in self-containment and dynamic potential.
Commission this work
The commissions are carried out using the latest 3D technology and the best artisans in Italy and in the USA. The artworks are available in both bronze and stone. There are a variety of bronze patinas and types of stone available. For commission inquiries, send us an email at [email protected]
Medium - Bronze, with stone, bronze, or stainless steel base
About the artwork
Body, Soul, and Spirit is a three-piece bronze sculpture series depicting biomorphic figures lying down, standing on one leg, or one hand on the red stone base. The metamorphic series tells an archetypal and timeless story of self-actualization: "Mastering something inside you in a gentle, joyous way of the soul. It's not brutal, strict, or physical mastery." In essence, the transformation of matter, the mastery over matters of life, and the attainment of an indestructible self and inner youth. These are suggested in the dance-like figures of Soul and Spirit; by contrast, the Body is wrapped in self-containment and dynamic potential.
Commission this work
The commissions are carried out using the latest 3D technology and the best artisans in Italy and in the USA. The artworks are available in both bronze and stone. There are a variety of bronze patinas and types of stone available. For commission inquiries, send us an email at [email protected]